If you’re someone who suffers from discomfort in your ears, then you know how unpleasant it can be. Whether it’s ringing, a buzzing sound, or a perpetual full feeling, these unwanted sensations can significantly impact your daily life. The cause of these symptoms is known as an environmental trigger – something that is produced, or stanched, from the environment that causes an ear-related issue. The good news is that there are several steps you can take to protect your ears from these environmental triggers. Read on to learn more about some of the things you can do to minimize your exposure and protect your precious ears.
Wear Earplugs When Exposed to Loud Noise
Loud noise is one of the most common triggers for ear-related symptoms. Whether it’s a crowded concert, a lawn mower, or a construction site, it’s important to protect your ears if you know you’ll be around loud noises. Invest in some good earplugs that can provide protection against the decibels. Make sure you always have some on hand. No one can completely avoid loud noise, but the more prepared you are, the better.
Stay Clear of Smoky Environments
If you suffer from tinnitus, or ringing in the ears, it may be a good idea to avoid smoky environments whenever possible. Certain chemicals created from smoke can actually irritate and damage the ear nerves, which can make the typical ear-related symptoms even worse. This doesn’t mean you have to boycott a barbecue; just be mindful of where you are and make sure to get some fresh air if things get too smoky.
Skip the Q-Tips
It’s a common misconception that Q-tips are a good way to clean out your ears. In reality, Q-tips can actually push earwax deeper into the ear canal which can cause blockages and damage to the ear drum. If you need to clean out your ears, consider using an alcohol-free ear drop or speaking with a doctor about the best way to go about cleaning your ears.
Wear Ear Protection When Swimming
If you or your children enjoy spending time in the pool, it’s essential that you always use ear protection whenever you’re swimming. Exposure to water in the ear can lead to swimmer’s ear or an ear infection. While simple drops may help, investing in earplugs that allow you to enjoy the water without having to worry about water in your ears is probably your best bet.
Invest in a Good Pair of Headphones
With the rise of streaming services and virtual realities, it seems like headphones have become a staple in everyone’s home. But not all headphones were created equally when it comes to ear protection. When looking for a good pair of headphones, try to find a set that offers noise-cancelling features. These headphones not only drown out background noise, but they also help prevent the decibels produced by the headphones themselves from hurting your ears.
Limit Use of Cotton Swabs
Just like Q-tips, cotton swabs can help push debris deeper into the ear canal. When cleaning out your ears, use a slightly damp rag and be sure to only clean the surface of the ear. Make sure to dry your ears completely before moving on to the other side.
Get Regularly Checked
Finally, it’s important to schedule regular and routine check-ups so that you and your doctor can identify any potential issues as soon as possible. This way, you can make sure to take the appropriate and necessary steps to protect your ears. Plus, getting a professional opinion is always the best way to ensure that you’re taking the right steps toward protecting your ears.
So, there you have it – several things you can do to protect your ears from environmental triggers. While it’s not always possible to eliminate every trigger completely, with a little bit of awareness and preparation, you can start to find some relief from these irritating symptoms.