
Experience the occasional headache? Over-the-counter pain relievers may do the trick for a headache here or there, but what if you live with chronic head pain, and over-the-counter options no longer work? What if you’re suffering from headaches and migraines day in and day out, self-care treatments and home remedies stopped working a long time ago, and all the prescription medications you’ve been given do not bring relief?

Many people regularly suffer from headaches or migraines and struggle to find treatments that genuinely bring relief. This struggle happens because, in most cases, the treatments for headaches and migraines aim at relieving pain but not correcting the cause of the pain.

At Bend Headache Center, we identify and treat the cause of your headache, not just your symptoms.

Read on to learn more about the different kinds of headaches and how we can help.

Types of Headaches

To correctly and effectively treat your painful symptoms, we must understand what type of headache you’re experiencing — and you must understand what kind of headache you’re experiencing, too.

The four most common types of headaches are:

  • Tension headaches
  • Cluster headaches
  • Sinus headaches
  • Migraine headaches

Tension Headaches

Tension headaches are the most common headaches and are often brought on by stress, anger, anxiety or fatigue. Tension headaches are generally mild to moderate and may feel like a constant ache in the head, back, neck or temples. Some people say their tension headaches feel similar to a tight band constricting their head. Tension headaches can happen chronically or episodically and can range in duration from 30 minutes to a week. Many people living with chronic tension headaches experience head pain at least 15 days a month for three months or more.

Treating a tension headache or tension-type headache is possible with help from the Bend Headache Center.

Common signs and symptoms of a tension headache include dull, aching head pain; an area of tightness or pressure across the forehead; or a tight “wrap-around” feeling near the temples and back of the head.

Many people living with tension headaches also experience scalp tenderness. Many others report muscle tension in the neck and shoulder muscles.

Cluster Headaches

Cluster headaches frequently occur in groups (clusters) or cycles. Many people living with cluster headaches experience nasal congestion and watery eyes, along with moderate to severe head pain.

Cluster headaches are one of the most painful headaches and frequently wake sufferers in the middle of the night. Cluster headaches often cause intense pain in or around one eye or affect only one side of the head.

Cluster headache attacks can last a week to several months and then go into “remission,” only to attack again later if the problem’s real source isn’t treated.

Sinus Headaches

When sinus cavities become inflamed, it is medically known as sinusitis; due to an infection or irritation, those affected may experience pressure in the cheeks, upper jaw, forehead, nose and under the eyes.

While sinus headaches are a separate affliction, many people living with migraines chalk their head pain up to their sinuses.

Migraine Headaches

Migraines often start as a dull ache and then gradually increase in pain and intensity. Migraines can cause throbbing pain in one particular area and cause nausea, vomiting, dizziness, sensitivity to light and sound, and ocular disturbances known as auras.

Migraine attacks can last for several hours to several days. For many individuals, the pain related to migraine can be so severe it interrupts day-to-day activities, including work, school and relationships.

Treat Your Headaches at Bend Headache Center

No matter the type of headache you’re experiencing, pain of any kind can disrupt your life and affect everything from work to relationships.

Whether you are experiencing migraines, tension headaches, sinus headaches or cluster headaches, it’s time to stop letting pain prevent you from living your life.

And, if your head and facial pain do not fit the descriptions we mentioned, we can still help.

Our goal is to find the cause of your pain and treat it — not just the symptoms of your headache. Our approach uses state-of-the-art technology and comprehensive diagnostic methods to evaluate your situation and symptoms. It allows us to design a customized and complete approach to caring for you and your needs.

Call the Bend Headache Center today to schedule a consultation or learn more about the different headaches and how our treatment can target and treat your pain and other uncomfortable symptoms.

We hope to help eliminate your chronic pain and improve your health.

We’re looking forward to hearing from you and helping you live your best life.