ClickCease ...

It is not working out between us. We can no longer be together.
I tried to make it work. I tried diagnosis after diagnosis with you. I tried over the counter pills for you, I paid for prescriptions for you, I have tried to find a way to tolerate you in my life, but you don’t care about me or my needs…

You interrupt my most beautiful moments, you interfere with my job, you take away my passion & you have no respect for the time I deserve with my family & my friends! I’m leaving you for good…!
I deserve to live a pain free life! I refuse to let you control me anymore. I will pursue non-surgical, drug free treatment… & you cannot stop me! Time to treat the source of you … & not let your symptoms distract me just because you think you can come & go as you please…
No more! “70% Of Migraines Are Misdiagnosed” (541) 330-0500
#LiveAPainFreeLife #BendHeadacheCenter #DrugFree #LIveLaughLove #NonSurgical #HealthyBend