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Facing the painful and limiting symptoms of a locking jaw in Bend is no small thing. That dragging pain, sharp twinges, and cracking sounds that resonate around the ears can be a constant nuisance, and many people with this condition feel helpless and ashamed. It is important for those with jaw issues to understand that they are not alone and that relief is absolutely possible. Here are some common treatment options for a locking jaw in Bend.

Physical Treatments

Many treatments for a locking jaw in Bend are rooted in physical therapy and exercise. Relieving tension in the jaw, neck, and shoulder is crucial for alleviating symptoms. Some physical therapists offer specialized massages to reduce inflammation, improve range of motion, and relieve pain. They may also recommend exercises to help stretch and strengthen muscles in the face, jaw, neck, and shoulders, to help promote healing. Furthermore, proper posture and relaxation techniques can also be helpful in reducing tension.

Splint Therapy

Wearing a special splint in the mouth has become a popular treatment for a locking jaw in Bend. Designed to gently stretch the jaw and improve alignment, these devices can help promote relaxation and decrease muscle tightness. Many therapy practices are able to provide a custom-fitted splint for an individual’s unique needs, greatly improving effectiveness.

Dental Work

It is believed that stress and anxiety can cause bruxism, or clenching and grinding of teeth. As such, it’s no surprise that dental work is one of the common treatments for a locking jaw in Bend. Some dentists can create a custom mouthguard or nightguard to help protect teeth and reduce muscle tension. Additionally, wearing braces or other orthodontic devices can help improve jaw alignment and reduce strain on the jaw muscles, decreasing the risk for locking.


Many people with a locking jaw in Bend find relief from prescription medications to help reduce pain and inflammation. Common painkillers and muscle relaxants are often prescribed to help control symptoms. Some individuals also benefit from anti-depressants or other anti-anxiety medications to help promote relaxation, which may be beneficial in improving jaw alignment and reducing muscle tension.


In extreme cases, surgery may be necessary to treat a locking jaw in Bend. Depending on the specific nature and severity of the problem, there are several different procedures that may be used. Corrective surgery is typically performed by an oral surgeon, and can involve removing scar tissue, repositioning the disc, or realigning the jaw.

Alternative Therapies

Some people with a locking jaw in Bend find relief from alternative therapies such as acupuncture, chiropractic care, or biofeedback. Each of these therapies focuses on promoting relaxation and reducing tension, and may provide some relief when used in conjunction with other treatments. It is important to discuss the use of alternative therapies with your healthcare provider to ensure they are safe and appropriate.


It is important for those with a locking jaw in Bend to understand that they are not alone, and that treatment options are available. Each individual should work with their healthcare provider to determine the most appropriate treatment approach for their unique needs. Whether through physical therapy, splint therapy, dental work, medications, surgery, or alternative therapies, the goal is to achieve relief and improved quality of life.