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Seasonal allergies are common in the Bend area, especially during spring and summertime. The presence of pollen, dust, and mold spores in the air can lead to itching, sneezing, nasal congestion, and other uncomfortable symptoms. Unfortunately, allergies can also have negative effects on the ear health of those who suffer from them, leading to infections, ear pain, and other problems. In this article, we will explore how allergies can impact ear health, as well as tips for managing and alleviating these symptoms.

How Allergies Affect the Ears

Seasonal allergies can lead to inflammation in the ears, which can result in a buildup of fluid in the middle ear. This can lead to ear pain, difficulty hearing, and a higher likelihood of ear infections. Postnasal drip can also occur, which leaves the throat and ear canals inflamed and can increase the possibility of infections. Additionally, allergies can cause severe itching and even swelling of the ear canals, which can lead to damage to the ear drum and surrounding tissue if left untreated.

Preventing Allergies from Impacting Ear Health

Preventing seasonal allergies from impacting ear health mostly involves taking precautions against allergens in the air. Keeping windows closed and using air conditioning and/or air purifiers can help reduce the amount of allergens inside the home. Try to avoid spending time outdoors when the allergy count is especially high, and remember to take any allergy medications as prescribed. Using earplugs when spending extended periods outside in high allergen areas can also help protect against damage.

Treating Allergies to Avoid Ear Issues

According to Bend allergists, proper allergy treatment can prevent many of the complications that may arise with ear health due to allergies. Over-the-counter antihistamines can help alleviate symptoms. Decongestants help to reduce the amount of fluid in the ears and can alleviate ear pain, while steroid nasal sprays can help to reduce inflammation in the ears. In some cases, an allergist may recommend immunotherapy, also known as allergy shots, which can help to reduce the impact of allergies on the body over time.

Extra Precautions

Particularly if you or your children spend extended periods in the water, it is important to remember that allergies can also impact ear health. Allergy-related ear infections, also known as swimmer’s ear, can be particularly painful and take longer to heal than a typical ear infection. Practicing good ear hygiene by cleaning the ears regularly and using ear plugs when swimming can help to protect against swimmer’s ear. Always consult with an allergist if you suspect that allergies may be an issue.

Paying Attention to Ear Health During Allergy Season

Due to the potential for allergies to exacerbate ear issues, it is important to make sure that only the proper precautions are taken during allergy season. This means paying attention to symptoms, both of allergies themselves and any potential ear health issues that may arise. Additionally, remember to consult with an allergist about the best course of action if allergies are causing ear-related problems. By properly managing and treating allergies to avoid ear-related issues, it is possible to make allergy season more manageable.