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The season has changed and with it, migrainous weather patterns in Bend. If you suffer from migraines, you may be bracing yourself (in more ways than one!) for the onset of seasonal migraine attacks.

Fortunately, by taking a few precautions, you can minimize the impact of these migraines. Here are some steps you can take to prepare for seasonal migraine flare-ups in Bend.

Get Ahead of the Weather

One of the most frustrating parts of dealing with seasonal migraines is that you often don’t know when the weather will change. It appears that barometric pressure and certain weather conditions are linked to the development or precipitation of migraine attacks.

Keep an eye on the weather reports and get ahead of any significant changes. If you notice that a shift in the weather is coming your way, be prepared to act accordingly. For example, if you will be traveling and the weather is expected to change, consider bringing your prescribed medication with you—just in case.

Avoid Triggers When Possible

For many people, certain environmental or dietary elements can be migraine triggers. In Bend, some of the most common triggers appear to be the bright sun and the wind.

If you are someone who experiences migraines whenever you are in the sun or are exposed to strong winds, take steps to avoid these triggers. Simple safety measures such as wearing a hat or sunglasses can often help protect you against the worst of these triggers. Make the most of your home’s windows and consider installing shades to minimize any light sensitivity that may contribute to trigger an attack.

Turn Down the Volume During Stormy Weather

Many people report that loud sounds or an internal pressure from stormy weather can increase migraine frequency. Consider taking preventative measures before the stormy weather begins arriving.

When a storm is predicted, close any open windows, take steps to reduce noise in your home or office, and make use of earplugs or headphones to dampen the volume level. By taking in some additional precautions, you can help prevent triggers that might lead to migraine attacks.

Have Your Medication Ready

If you experience migraine attacks, it is important to have medication on hand in order to treat them effectively and efficiently.

Work with your healthcare provider to find a medication that works best for you and keep some quickly accessible.

This may require that you carry regular as well as emergency doses with you at all times. Make sure that any emergency medication you have won’t expire before you expect to require it and stay on top of refilling your prescriptions as needed. This will ensure that you won’t be caught without medication when the weather or life brings on a migraine attack.

Stay Hydrated

Dehydration is another common migraine trigger. Make sure to keep hydrated throughout the day, especially if venturing out or spending time in the sun.

By keeping up with your hydration levels and, if required, using electrolyte hydration drinks, you can help to prevent dehydration and minimize the likelihood of a migraine attack.


Migraine sufferers often anticipate seasonal migraine attacks with trepidation as triggers such as weather, environmental elements, or changes in routine can prompt an attack. If you reside in Bend and experience seasonal migraine episodes, taking steps to minimize or circumvent these triggers can help reduce the impact of any incoming migraine.

Keep an eye on the weather, locate and avoid potential triggers, use ear protection during loud weather, have your prescribed medication on hand, and stay hydrated are all useful measures that you can take to prepare for seasonal migraines in Bend. Good luck!