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Sleep Apnea, a common sleep disorder among adults, can take a toll on relationships. If left untreated, it can lead to high levels of irritability, poor communication, and depression. Sleep Apnea affects not only the person dealing with it but also the person they sleep beside. This can put a lot of strain on the relationship. In an effort to help you and your partner, this article will discuss how sleep apnea affects relationships and provide a few tips for managing it.

How Sleep Apnea Affects Relationships

Often times, the partner who does not have sleep apnea will suffer more than the one that does. When the snoring and gasping is ongoing, it can be very difficult for the partner to sleep. What this means is that not only does the person with sleep apnea have to deal with the effects of sleep apnea, but their partner also has to cope with the fact that they’re not getting the best sleep either. This can lead to arguments, frustration, and fatigue, which can exacerbate the effects of sleep apnea.

Additionally, when difficulties arise in many relationships, the affected partner is often the subject of resentment, putting extra pressure on the partner who has sleep apnea. This can mean that the couple is unable to hand things in a healthy way, and the negative impact could become even more severe.

Tips For Couples with Sleep Apnea

There are a few ways that couples can cope with sleep apnea in the hope of preventing or alleviating the negative impact on their relationship. The following tips can help:

Seek professional help

If you suspect that your partner suffers from sleep apnea, the first step would be to seek professional help. Consulting with a sleep specialist, such as an otolaryngologist or a pulmonologist, can help to determine the cause of the problem and find the right treatment plan. Once the couple understands the severity of the sleep apnea, they can work together to find something that works for both parties.

Sleeping arrangements

Oftentimes the partner who does not have sleep apnea will be the one to adjust to the partner’s sleeping patterns. To help eliminate the negative impact, there are a few options to consider. Using earplugs, noise-cancelling headphones, or even sleeping in separate rooms, can help the non-sleep apnea partner get the rest they need.

It’s also important to try and keep the environment quiet and tranquil so that both you and your partner are more likely to have a good night’s rest. This means avoiding loud noises or bright lights.

Lead a healthy lifestyle

Living a healthy lifestyle can help lower the risk of sleep apnea and improve sleep quality. Eating a healthy balanced diet, exercising regularly, and avoiding alcohol and caffeine before bedtime, can all help to promote better sleep. Encouraging your partner to quit smoking can also positively impact their breathing patterns.


Communication is essential in any relationship, especially when dealing with the difficult reality of sleep apnea. It’s important for couples to communicate openly and honestly and work together to find solutions. Couples should try to put themselves in each other’s shoes and show empathy for what the other person is going through.

When children are involved, it’s important for the couple to try and explain what is happening in an age-appropriate way, so as to avoid any confusion. It’s important for both parents to remind the children that this difficulty should not get in the way of their love for each other.

Final Thoughts

Dealing with a partner who has sleep apnea can be challenging. It can be incredibly hard to cope with the snoring, gasping, and the general lack of sleep that it entails. The negative impact on the relationship can be overwhelming, and it’s important for couples to work together to find coping mechanisms and solutions. Seeking professional help, making lifestyle changes, communicating openly with one another, and arranging the sleeping environment are all great ways to help manage the negativity that can come with sleep apnea. Working together and showing empathy towards one another can help a couple work through the difficulties and maintain a healthy and loving relationship.