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Cluster headaches, also known as “suicide headaches,” are an excruciatingly painful type of headache that can occur multiple times in a day, lasting from minutes to hours. The cause of cluster headaches is unknown, but various lifestyle factors have been linked to triggering them. Diet, in particular, is an important contributor, and dietary changes have been shown to alleviate headache severity and frequency in some individuals.

In addition to making these dietary changes, it’s important to work closely with a healthcare professional to ensure that you receive an accurate diagnosis and a treatment plan tailored to your specific needs. Here, we take a look at some dietary changes that may help you manage your cluster headache symptoms.

Reduce Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol has been strongly linked to cluster headaches. A study published in The Journal of the American Medical Association found that alcohol triggered cluster headaches in 43% of patients with the condition. The authors of the study recommend that people with cluster headaches abstain from drinking alcohol. They also advise that people with cluster headaches undergo regular monitoring for alcohol consumption and its potential effects on headache intensity.

Monitor Caffeine Intake

Overuse or withdrawal of caffeine has been linked to cluster headache onset in some individuals. Therefore, it is best to monitor your caffeine intake. Both the National Headache Foundation and the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke recommend that people with cluster headaches consume no more than two to three cups of coffee or tea per day. Additionally, be aware of the caffeine content of other products, such as chocolate, soft drinks, and over-the-counter medications. If you are consuming too much caffeinated products, reducing your intake may decrease headache severity.

Be Mindful of Nitrates

Nitrates are a preservative found in processed meats, such as hot dogs and deli meats, as well as foods containing bacon, ham, and sausage. Nitrates have been implicated in causing headaches, including cluster headaches. Therefore, it may be beneficial for those experiencing cluster headaches to avoid consuming nitrates. Fresh, minimally processed, organic meats are a better alternative for those experiencing cluster headaches, as they are much lower in preservatives.

Try an Elimination Diet

An elimination diet can help you identify potential headache triggers in your diet. An elimination diet consists of removing common food triggers such as caffeine, alcohol, nitrates, and other foods implicated in triggering cluster headaches, from the diet for a period of time. Foods are then reintroduced one by one, and the individual closely monitors symptoms to determine which foods may be contributing to headache intensity.

Balanced Nutrition is Key

Proper nutritional intake is important for everyone, but especially for individuals with cluster headaches. Nutritional deficiencies, such as low levels of magnesium, have been linked to migraine headaches. Therefore, it is important for those experiencing cluster headaches to consume a balanced diet with adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals. Eating a variety of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains can help ensure you get the necessary nutrients for overall good health. Additionally, staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water is important for everyone, but especially for those experiencing headaches.

Consider Seeing a Dietitian

If you are experiencing cluster headaches and are struggling to make appropriate dietary changes, consider making an appointment with a registered dietitian. A dietitian can work with you to make meal plans that include the specific foods that you should eat and avoid to better manage your headaches. Additionally, a dietitian can help ensure that you are getting the necessary nutrients for overall good health.


Cluster headaches can be extremely challenging to manage, but making certain dietary changes can help alleviate severity and frequency for some individuals. Reducing alcohol consumption, monitoring caffeine intake, being mindful of nitrates, and trying an elimination diet can all help in this process. Ensuring that you consume a balanced diet with adequate amounts of nutrients is also important. Lastly, if you are having difficulties making dietary changes or need help with meal planning, consider making an appointment with a registered dietitian.