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Migraines are a chronic and debilitating condition that affects millions of people each year. It is a severe headache syndrome that can cause throbbing pain, nausea, and sensitivity to sound and light. Traditional treatments such as ibuprofen and rest often fail to provide relief for people with migraines. However, Dr. Kelley Mingus, a board-certified neurologist and migraine expert, is using advanced technology to help patients relieve the discomfort of their migraines.


One of the most cutting-edge treatments that Dr. Mingus uses is Botox. Botox is a medication that has been used for a variety of medical and cosmetic procedures, including treating migraines. Botox is injected into specific areas of the patient’s head and neck to help reduce the severity and frequency of their migraines. Studies have shown that Botox can help patients experience less pain and fewer migraines. Patients seeking treatment for their migraines can receive Botox injections from Dr. Mingus, who will use advanced diagnostic tests to determine the appropriate level of treatment for each individual patient.

Telehealth Services

Dr. Mingus also offers telehealth services for patients who are unable to travel to her office in person. Through telehealth services, patients can have video consultations with Dr. Mingus and receive their care remotely. The video consultations are secure and can be easily accessed from the patient’s home, making it convenient for those who work or who have children with them. Dr. Mingus can use the latest technology during these consultations, such as mobile devices and high-definition cameras to conduct examinations and assessments.

Virtual Reality Therapy

Another one of the innovative treatments that Dr. Mingus offers for migraines is virtual reality therapy. Virtual reality therapy involves wearing a headset that immerses the patient in a relaxing and calming environment. Dr. Mingus uses this therapy to help her patients reduce their stress levels and anxiety associated with migraines. Virtual reality therapy is a novel approach to pain management that can be helpful for patients who experience chronic migraines.

Customized Treatment Plans

Dr. Mingus works with each individual patient to create a customized treatment plan that will best meet their needs. She starts by conducting a thorough review of the patient’s symptoms, medical history, and lifestyle. Then she uses the latest diagnostic technology to determine the cause of the patient’s migraines, such as a brain MRI, CT scan, or an electroencephalogram. Once the cause has been determined, Dr. Mingus will utilize the most advanced treatment options to help the patient find relief from their migraines.


Dr. Kelley Mingus is a pioneer in the field of migraine treatment and uses cutting-edge technology to help her patients find relief from their migraines. She offers Botox treatments, Video Consultations, Virtual Reality Therapy, custom treatment plans, and more. If you are experiencing migraines and want to find relief, contact Dr. Mingus today.