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Does your jaw ever feel tight, sore, or do you have pain when you chew? If so, you may have temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ). This condition can lead to a range of different symptoms, including migraines. TMJ is a complicated issue, but fortunately, Dr. Kelley Mingus in Bend, Oregon has plenty of insights.

What is TMJ?

Your temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the hinge that connects your jaw to your skull. Unlike most joints in the body, the TMJ has a very unique design, allowing for both hinge and sliding movements. TMJ disorder can occur when the joint becomes inflamed or the cartilage between the two main bones deteriorates. This can cause pain and dysfunction.

Why Does TMJ Cause Migraines?

TMJ disorder can cause a variety of different symptoms, including headaches. In fact, many people with TMJ report chronic headaches and migraines as one of their main symptoms. The connection between TMJ and migraines is likely due to the trigeminal nerve, which is a major nerve that runs around the jaw and is commonly implicated in a variety of types of head pain, including migraines.

Treating TMJ Disorder

When it comes to TMJ treatment, one of the most important things to keep in mind is that patients should be treated by a practitioner that understands the TMJ in-depth. Dr. Mingus’ Bend, Oregon practice is known for delivering comprehensive and patient-specific TMJ treatment. There are a variety of different treatment options for TMJ patients, ranging from at-home remedies to professional treatments.

The first step in treatment is often relieving the inflammation around the TMJ and alleviating muscle tension. This can be done through the use of warm compresses and muscle relaxants, as well as various physical therapy exercises designed to relax the muscles around the joint. In more severe cases, muscle relaxants or even Botox injections can be used in order to relax the facial muscles and alleviate tension.

Finally, in the case of more severe dysfunction, sometimes surgical treatment may be necessary. Dr. Mingus In Bend, Oregon offers a variety of surgical treatments for patients with TMJ disorder. These treatments can range from simple arthroscopy procedures to more complex structural changes designed to relieve pressure and restore functioning of the joint.


TMJ disorder can be a very complicated and painful condition. Many patients experience chronic headaches and migraines as part of their symptoms. Fortunately, Dr. Mingus in Bend, Oregon is known for providing comprehensive treatment options for TMJ sufferers, ranging from at-home remedies to surgical interventions. By combining her knowledge and expertise with the unique needs of each patient, Dr. Mingus’ practice is able to deliver unique and effective treatment for TMJ disorder.