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Migraine headaches are a common health issue, and many people experience them at some point in their lives. These headaches can be severe and are often characterized by a throbbing or pulsating pain that is mainly felt on one side of the head. Apart from the intense pain, migraines can also lead to other symptoms such as sensitivity to light, dizziness, and even nausea. In this article, we will explore why migraines often lead to nausea, and how these symptoms are connected.

Migraines and Nausea

Migraine headaches are a specific type of headache that can cause more than just intense head pain. They can also lead to other symptoms such as visual disturbances, sensitivity to light and sound, and even vomiting and nausea. In fact, up to 80% of migraine sufferers report experiencing nausea during an attack. However, the exact cause of the nausea that accompanies migraines is not yet fully understood.

Causes of Migraine-Related Nausea

The underlying cause of migraine headaches and the associated nausea is not known, although it is generally believed to be a combination of genetic, environmental, and other factors. One possibility is that the nausea is related to the part of the brain that is responsible for regulating digestion. Another theory is that migraines and the associated nausea are caused by a disturbance in certain chemical messages in the brain, namely serotonin and dopamine.

Impact of Nausea on Migraine Management

The association between migraines and nausea can make managing these headaches more challenging. For instance, people who experience migraines with nausea may be more likely to become dehydrated, as they may avoid drinking and eating to prevent further discomfort. Furthermore, people with migraine-related nausea may also be more likely to seek medical attention, as the intensity of the symptoms may often escalate quickly.

Treatment Options

There is currently no cure for migraines, but there are various treatment options available that can help to alleviate the symptoms, including nausea. One of the most common treatments for migraines is the use of over-the-counter or prescription medication, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), migraine-specific medications or anti-nausea medications. Apart from medications, many people find relief from their migrainous symptoms by making certain lifestyle changes, such as minimizing stress, avoiding certain foods and practicing relaxation techniques.


Migraines are a common health issue that can cause intense head pain. However, for many sufferers, migraines can also lead to other symptoms such as nausea. The exact cause of the nauseous feeling associated with a migraine is not known, although it likely results from a combination of genetic, environmental and other factors. While there is no cure for migraines, there are various treatment options available that can help to alleviate the symptoms, including nausea.