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Waking up tired and cranky can be a frustrating way to start the day. But what if I told you it might be something as simple as the way you hold your jaw? Research has shown that pushing your jaw forward can contribute to a variety of sleep-fuming disturbances. In this article, we’ll take a look at how the unconscious habit of moving your jaw forward can negatively impact your sleep and what you can do to alleviate the issue.

The Link Between Your Jaw and Sleep Disturbances

Throughout the day, many of us unknowingly have our jaws pushed slightly forward. Whether it’s a result of anxiety, stress or simply a bad posture habit, this unconscious behavior can lead to negative impacts on our sleep patterns.

Research has shown that insufficient jaw relaxation leads to inappropriate head position, decreased airflow and an inability to relax and rest the muscles around the jaw and upper neck regions. These muscular imbalances and restrictions can lead to an increase in respiratory obstructions like snoring, which decreases the quality of sleep. Similarly, it can also cause jaw clenching or grinding, commonly referred to as bruxism, which can contribute to discomfort in the jaw joint and nearby muscle groups.

Jaw Position and Obstructive Sleep Apnoea

One of the most concerning sleep disturbances associated with forward jaw position is obstructive sleep apnoea. This condition occurs when your airways become partially or completely blocked, causing a pause in breathing which can last a few seconds to a few minutes.

These pauses can occur up to hundreds of times throughout the night and can significantly reduce the amount of deep, quality sleep you receive. This can lead to a variety of negative health consequences, such as chronic fatigue, high blood pressure, and increased risk of experiencing other conditions like heart problems and memory loss.

When your jaw is forward, it decreases the amount of space for your airways to remain open during sleep, contributing to an increased risk of developing obstructive sleep apnoea. It’s estimated that 14-49% of obstructive sleep apnoea patients also have bruxism as a secondary condition.

Alleviating the Issue and Improving Sleep Quality

In order to alleviate the issues associated with an unconsciously pushed forward jaw, it’s important to focus on practicing relaxation methods aimed at addressing muscular imbalances and promoting proper jaw alignment.

Developing an awareness for how your jaw and neck muscles are positioned throughout the day can help serve as a gentle reminder to keep your jaw muscles as relaxed and tension-free as possible. Setting reminders on your smartphone, keeping your jaw slightly open when possible and encouraging deep, slow- diaphragmatic breathing can all be helpful tools to help reduce muscle tension around the jaw.

Moreover, undergoing regular massage therapy or physical therapy to help release and relax the muscles in the jaw and neck regions can be effective at decreasing pain and discomfort, while also promoting proper jaw alignment. Regularly-stretching exercises that focus on lengthening and increasing flexibility of the muscles around the jaw and neck can also be helpful in promoting an optimal jaw position during sleep.

Consistently practicing mindfulness-based relaxation techniques like progressive muscle relaxation exercises, meditation, or yoga can be helpful for promoting relaxation while also being more present in your body. These techniques can be particularly helpful for individuals who experience jaw clenching or have high levels of anxiety or stress.

By being mindful of your jaw position and incorporating simple relaxation techniques into your daily routine, you can make a significant impact on the quality of your sleep. Addressing these issues now can help prevent the development of more serious conditions and significantly improve your overall health and wellbeing.


Pulling your jaw forward throughout the day can lead to a variety of sleep-fuming disturbances. In order to improve your sleep quality and enhance your overall health, take the time to develop an awareness for how your jaw position, practice relaxation techniques and incorporating stretches and exercise designed to promote proper jaw alignment. Being mindful of how your jaw position can impact your sleep can be an important step in the right direction for improved health and wellbeing.