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Are you suffering from a popping jaw and TMJ pain in Bend? Dr. Kelley Mingus offers relief to this chronic condition with the use of customized treatments regardless of its cause. TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorder is a frequent issue that involves the temporomandibular joint located in front of the ear. This disorder leads to various symptoms including jaw popping, joint locking, muscle stiffness, pain, and difficulty chewing or speaking. To diagnose and find a solution for the problem, contact Dr. Kelley Mingus to book an appointment.

What Causes TMJ Disorder?

A variety of factors can lead to TMJ disorder. The main cause of the problem is not certain, but a combination of several factors and conditions can contribute to this issue. These factors include jaw or joint injury, arthritis, poor posture, displaced disc or cartilage, and teeth grinding or clenching. Other potential causes also exist such as stress, overweight and bad habits (such as nail biting, chewing gum, etc).

Treating TMJ Disorder with Dr. Kelley Mingus

Dr. Kelley Mingus offers a variety of treatment options for TMJ disorder. The goal of treatment is to relieve the symptoms and promote healing. The first step in finding a solution to the problem is to diagnose it. Dr. Kelley Mingus uses advanced diagnostic technology to identify the soase of the problem and develop a customized treatment plan.

Dr. Kelley Mingus uses a combination of treatments based on the cause of the problem and symptoms. Treatment options include physical therapy, medication, anit=inflammatories, analgesics, Johnson head and neck therapy, Myofascial release therapy, and more. Treatment may require up to a month for it to be effective.

Preventing TMJ Disorder

Many steps can be taken to prevent TMJ disorder. The best ways to prevent and reduce TMJ symptoms include relaxation, stretching, and stress-relieving activities. It is also important to maintain proper posture and a good diet. Try to avoid habits or activities that apply pressure to the TMJ such as chewing gum or biting the nails. And if you grind or clinch the teeth at night, it is important to consult Dr. Kelley Mingus to develop a custom appliance.

Contact Dr. Kelley Mingus for Relief of TMJ Disorder
To find relief for TMJ disorder in Bend, contact Dr. Kelley Mingus. Dr. Kelley Mingus is a certified chiropractic doctor, specializing in head, neck, jaw, and facial pain. Dr. Kelley Mingus will evaluate the cause of the symptoms and develop a custom treatment plan. Schedule an appointment today to begin the road to relief from TMJ pain.