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The discomfort, nausea, and throbbing pain in the head can be the start of a migraine. Many have felt the feeling of their head pounding with an unease that is hard to escape, and for those who are climbing high altitudes or moving to a high-altitude area, migraines can be even more frequent. The sudden changes in air pressure, abrupt temperature changes, and lower levels of oxygen can all contribute to the onset of migraines. However, there are nutritional tips that can be helpful in combating altitude-induced migraines.

Stay Hydrated

Hydration is crucial to preventing migraines, especially when in a high-altitude area. Dehydration can cause the blood vessels in the head to open up, which leads to increased pulsation and increased pressure. It is suggested that those living and spending time in high-altitude regions drink at least eight ounces of water every hour. This tip is especially crucial for those who engage in outdoor activities, as the sun can make dehydration even more intense and increase the rate at which migraines start to take hold.

Create a Gut-Friendly Diet

It is often helpful for those living at higher altitudes to adjust their diet to include foods that promote gut health. The stomach and the brain are closely related, and it is not uncommon for an imbalance of bacteria within the gut to trigger migraines. One way to promote gut health, and by extension, possibly preventing migraines, is to include a variety of fermented foods in the diet. Fermented foods contain probiotics, which can help to balance out the bacteria in the gut and create a healthier ecosystem that is a line of defense against migraines.

Reduce Antioxidant Intake

Junk food, processed food, fast food, and food that is high in food colorings and additives are all a part of the modern diet. Antioxidants are found in high quantities in junk food, and it is suggested that there be a decreased rotation in such foods for those who have just moved to or are staying in higher altitudes. Antioxidants are beneficial when living at lower altitudes, as they absorb some of the free radicals that are taken from oxygen. However, at higher altitudes, antioxidants can overpower certain systems in the body and lead to increased susceptibility to migraines.

Include High-Nutrient Food in the Diet

Vegetables and leafy greens are high in an assortment of minerals and vitamins that are beneficial to those living in higher altitudes. These nutrients can help to prevent migraines by enhancing the body’s ability to manage higher altitudes. Kale, spinach, onions, garlic, and cruciferous vegetables are just a few examples of nutrient-dense foods that can help to combat migraines.

In Conclusion

Migraines are an all-too common affliction that many must constantly battle. It can be especially difficult for those living at higher altitudes, as the air pressure, temperature, and oxygen levels can all contribute to migraines. However, by following the nutritional tips listed above, it is possible to take steps to combat altitude-induced migraines. Staying properly hydrated, including foods that promote gut health, reducing antioxidant intake, and increasing the intake of nutrient-dense foods are all helpful in both preventing and treating the severity of migraines.