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Are you one of the many Central Oregon residents that suffer from chronic migraines? If so, it’s vitally important to understand the impact of Bend, Oregon’s unique climate on migraine relief. Bend sits at an elevation of 3,400 feet within the High Desert environment where weather, temperature and conditions can fluctuate significantly. It’s no secret that changes in the environment including temperature, pressure, and humidity can be key triggers for migraines. Understanding these factors is the key to managing migraines and finding the necessary relief.

Bend’s High Desert Enigma

Many locals living in Bend experience the challenges of living in a high desert climate. The unique environment consists of very little moisture, along with large fluctuations in temperatures and barometric pressure. The High Desert environment contributes to the region receiving very little precipitation, and pronounced temperature swings between day and night. In addition, several other factors such as high elevation, rapid changes in weather systems and strong winds all contribute to the constant state of change in the area.

As a result of this unique climate, there is often a ‘dry heat’ in the region. Together with the high altitude and equally high level of UV radiation, these specific conditions can exacerbate the discomfort felt from migraines. Quick weather changes, wind, and the necessity for residents to have to go from the relatively cooler outdoors to sometimes much warmer indoor temperatures also contribute to the migraine triggers that can be present in the area.

Understanding Weather Trigger Points

Having an understanding of the specific triggers that affect residents in the Bend area and the ways they relate to the climate is crucial to managing chronic migraine issues. Although it is important to also factor in individual differences among residents, the main weather-related factors that may trigger migraines in Bend include:

Barometric Pressure Changes: Studies suggest that approximately 60% of people surveyed about migraines associate changes in barometric pressure with an increase in the severity and number of migraines. The rapid barometric pressure fluctuations in Bend’s high desert can heighten the likelihood of triggering a migraine.

Sunlight and UV Radiation: More than half of people with migraines report that light bothers them and relief can be achieved by limiting their exposure. The High Desert region is known for its high levels of UV radiation due to its elevation. This increases the likelihood of light sensitivity and possible migraines.

Rapid Temperature Changes: Rapid changes in weather conditions and temperatures, particularly when going indoors to escape from the outside heat, can become a trigger point for a migraine. In Bend, the large temperature fluctuations in both day and night scenarios combined with the need for residents to change temperatures as they transition between indoor and outdoor environments, can be considerate triggers for migraines.

Managing Migraines in Bend’s High Desert

Despite the unique environmental factors in Bend that make it prone to triggering migraines, there are certain mitigations that can help residents in the area to manage their migraines. Simple measures such as wearing a hat and sunglasses to shield against sunlight and taking steps to adjust to rapid temperature changes when moving from indoor to outdoor environments can help to moderate migraine triggers.

Individuals who suffer from migraines must also actively manage stress, as it is often a major factor in migraines. Nutritional management is also an important factor and in Bend, residents can seek advice about proper diet and nutritional support to help mitigate potential triggers. It is also important to utilize the services of a reputable health care provider and monitor triggers and symptoms in order to be best equipped to deal with migraines whenever they occur.

Bend’s Unique Climate Management

Even with the potential of Bend’s high desert climate to trigger migraines, it is vital for residents to understand how to manage and relieve their pain. With proper education and individual understanding of the changes that occur in the environment, residents of Bend can utilize specific strategies to limit and hopefully prevent migraine triggers.

Not only does understanding the unique weather patterns and triggers in Bend help to reduce the frequency of migraines, but can also help individuals more readily accept and manage their migraines when they do occur. Through nutritional management, stress reduction, and temperature and light sensitivity adjustments, Bend’s residents can learn to properly manage their migraines and find the relief so sorely needed.

Need help with any steps or advice in dealing with your chronic migraines? Visit the High Desert Health Clinics located in Bend to get personalized, expert care and support in helping you to cope with and manage your migraines.