Jaw creaks can be a very unsettling symptom and could be indicative of a number of underlying conditions. Let’s take a closer look at what they are, the potential causes and what you can do to address it.
What are Jaw Creaks?
Jaw creaks is a condition in which your jaw joint makes a cracking, creaking, or popping noise when you open or close your mouth, or when you move your jaw from side to side. This may also be accompanied by pain or discomfort, and can significantly impact your ability to speak or eat.
What Could Be Causing Your Jaw Creaks?
The actual cause of jaw creaks is not always known, but there are a few possible culprits worth mentioning. This may be an early warning sign of a TMJ (Temporomandibular joint) disorder, often caused by grinding or clenching your teeth over a long period of time. Your jaw creaks could also be the result of an injury, such as a dislocated jaw or a broken bone.
In some cases, jaw creaks are nothing more than muscle or ligament tightness or a muscle imbalance. This can be caused by poor posture, stress, or a habit of clenching your jaw.
How Can You Treat Jaw Creaks?
The appropriate strategy for treating jaw creaks will depend upon the specific cause and your personal situation. You may begin by attempting some at-home remedies to address muscle tightness or relaxation techniques to help reduce stress.
Your doctor may suggest the use of a mouth guard or splint to help reduce pressure on your jaw and correct a misaligned bite. These devices can help to retrain your muscles to strengthen the jaw.
In severe cases, surgery may be necessary to replace or repair a damaged joint, but this is generally only considered after all other treatment options have been exhausted.
What Should You Do if You’re Experiencing Jaw Creaks?
If you’re experiencing jaw creaks, it’s a good idea to speak with your doctor or dentist to discuss potential causes and appropriate treatment options. It’s important to remember that ignoring the condition could result in pain, discomfort, and difficulty opening or closing your mouth.
Your healthcare professional may recommend that you see a TMJ specialist for further evaluation if the cause of your jaw creaks isn’t immediately clear. A TMJ specialist will be able to provide you with an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan, and they can usually help you to address underlying muscle, bone, or joint issues that are contributing to your symptoms.
In Summary
Jaw creaks can be a very unsettling symptom and it could be indicative of a variety of underlying conditions. It’s important to take steps to address any discomfort or limitations your jaw creaks may be causing so that you can get back to enjoying your daily tasks. Speaking with a healthcare professional is the first step to finding an appropriate diagnosis and treatment plan.