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Cluster headaches are among the most painful conditions known to humanity. These headaches have the distinct feature of striking several times a day for weeks or months at a time. Dr. Kelley Mingus is a highly qualified and experienced neurologist who specializes in treating cluster headaches. If you or someone you know suffers from these debilitating headaches, preparing for a consultation with Dr. Mingus is an important part of getting the best possible treatment.

Gather Your Medical History and Records

Before your initial consultation with Dr. Mingus, take the time to gather your medical history and any relevant records. This should include records of previous treatments, tests, and any related specialist visits. Globs of hand-drawn illustrations, photographs, or recent brain scans should also be brought to the office, so he can see the visual evidence of your condition.

Make a List of Your Symptoms

One important part of preparing for a consultation with Dr. Mingus is making sure that you have a comprehensive list of your symptoms. What makes cluster headaches unique is their intense pain and the recurrence pattern. Be prepared with a detailed account of each headache experience, including how long they last, any triggers you have noticed, the time of day they occur, the type and severity of your pain, and any other symptoms that you experience. Remember that your descriptions should be as detailed as possible as this will help Dr. Mingus to better understand the nature of your condition.

Prepare a List of Questions

Before your consultation, it’s important to make a list of questions you have for Dr. Mingus. This should include any concerns you have, questions about your diagnosis or treatment options, and any additional information you may need to help you understand the nature of your condition. Taking the time to prepare this list allows you to make the most out of your consultation.

Educate Yourself

If you or someone you know suffers from cluster headaches, it’s important to take the time to educate yourself about the nature of the condition. Learn about the potential causes of the headaches, types of treatments, potential side effects, and any additional information that can help you to better understand what is going on. This will help you to better understand the conversations you have with Dr. Mingus and to be better prepared to ask the appropriate questions.

Take Time for Self-care

If you are preparing for a consultation with Dr. Mingus, it’s important to take the time to care for yourself. While cluster headaches can be painful and disruptive, it’s important to find ways to relax and take your mind off of your pain. Setting aside time for relaxation and activities that you enjoy, such as yoga, meditation, or creative activities, can help to reduce your stress levels and help you to better cope with your symptoms.

Keep an Open Mind

When preparing to meet with Dr. Mingus, it’s important to keep an open mind. While he is a highly qualified and experienced neurologist who specializes in treating cluster headaches, the reality is that not every treatment will be successful for every patient. It’s important to keep this in mind and be open to exploring different treatment options and approaches that may be helpful in managing your condition.


Preparing for a consultation with Dr. Kelley Mingus for cluster headaches is an important part of getting the best possible treatment. Gather your medical history, make a list of your symptoms, and prepare a list of questions to make the most out of your appointment. Educate yourself about cluster headaches, take time for self-care, and keep an open mind to explore different treatment options. By preparing for your appointment with Dr. Mingus, you can work together to find a treatment plan that is best for you.