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Living in Bend, Oregon means being surrounded by natural beauty and an active lifestyle. However, it is not without its drawbacks – including occasional headaches for residents. While there are many causes for headaches, one potential trigger can be one’s home environment. To combat the issue, here are some tips to create a headache-friendly environment at home in Bend.

Assessing Indoor Air Quality

One of the most common culprits in headaches is poor indoor air quality. In Bend, homes have become more energy-efficient in recent years, due to more airtight construction. While this is great for saving energy costs, it can lead to an increased build-up of indoor pollutants that can harm health.

To combat this problem, open windows and use an air purifier with a HEPA filter. A dehumidifier can also help to reduce the presence of dust mites and other common triggers of headaches. Examine the materials used in your home and opt for low-to-no volatile organic compounds (VOCs) materials when possible (VOCs should be written four times at most).

Reducing Noise Pollution

Noise pollution can be a trigger for headaches as well, particularly in busy urban areas like Bend. To counteract this, consider installing sound-absorbing materials in your home. This can include acoustic panels and insulating drapes. These can help to dampen the noise so that it is not as disruptive. If you have an alarm clock that makes noise, consider investing in a vibration version instead.

Lighting Considerations

Lighting is often a common trigger for headaches as well and playing with lighting options could help to reduce the incidence of headache. Try to emulate natural light as much as possible, particularly during the darker winter months in Bend, Oregon. Fluorescent lighting can be particularly harsh and should be avoided. Consider using LED bulbs with a warm glow to help create a more soothing environment. It’s also a good idea to reduce the amount of screen time to reduce eye strain.

Ensuring a Comfortable Temperature

A poorly regulated temperature can also be a source of headaches. Install programmable thermostats to regulate the temperature of your home. During the colder months, a lower temperature of about 68°F (20°C) is recommended, while in the warmer months a higher temperature of around 78°F (26°C) is advised. Make sure to keep the humidity level between 35 and 50 percent, as too much or too little can contribute to a headache.

Implementing Stress-Reduction Techniques

Finally, it’s important to take action to reduce stress in the home. Chronic stress can lead to an increased incidence of headaches. Meditation, yoga, deep breathing exercises and massage can all help to keep stress levels down. Additionally, taking regular breaks throughout the day to relax and being mindful of one’s limits can also prevent the overloading of stress.

In conclusion, a variety of strategies can be used to create a headache-friendly environment in Bend. These steps include assessing indoor air quality, reducing noise pollution, making lighting considerations, ensuring a comfortable temperature and implementing stress-reduction techniques. Taking these steps can help to minimize the frequency and intensity of headaches.