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If you suffer from temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain, or want to minimize the pain associated with the condition, you may be looking for a natural remedy. One of the best places to find that remedy is in Bend, Oregon – surrounded by the great outdoors.

Located in Deschutes County, Bend is nestled in the Cascade Mountain Range and is an outdoor paradise. From the winding Deschutes River to the beautiful pine forests, Bend has everything you need to enjoy a natural therapy session to soothe your TMJ. Here, we’ll discuss the best outdoor activities to provide TMJ relief in Bend, Oregon.

Gentle Yoga in the Pines

Yoga is one of the best ways to stretch out those sore muscles and relieve stress. Bend happens to be home to some of the most stunning yoga studios in the region. Surround yourself with pine trees in these studios, and practice gentle yoga to help reduce symptoms associated with TMJ. For practitioners located outside of Bend, yoga in the great outdoors – such as an open-air park or near the river – can also be a great option.

Mountain Biking at Mount Bachelor

Most people don’t realize just how therapeutic mountain biking can be. Not only does it provide a full body workout, but also gives your jaw a chance to relax. The terrain found at Mount Bachelor – located just 20 miles from Bend – is perfect for mountain biking. Experience the pristine nature trails from two wheels, and let the relaxation take over.

Rejuvenate in the Deschutes River

The Deschutes River is a tranquil and beautiful flowing body of water. Dip your toes into its cool, refreshing water to help with your TMJ symptoms. Water therapy is highly effective at easing stressed and tensed muscles – and it doesn’t get much better than soaking in the Deschutes River. In the warmer months of the year, swimming is also another great option for alleviating TMJ pain.

River Fishing at Crane Prairie Reservoir

Fishing is a relaxing activity that takes you away from daily life and allows you to focus your attention on catching a lovely meal. Crane Prairie Reservoir is a popular spot for angling, located just a few miles away from Bend. The calmness of the Reservoir is the perfect place to relax and enjoy the peaceful surroundings. The casual and stress-reducing activity also helps to alleviate TMJ pain by taking your mind off of the discomfort.

Hiking Adventure at the High Desert Museum

The High Desert Museum may not be the same designation as Crater Lake or Mt. Bachelor, but it is a fantastic location at which to explore the natural wildlife of the area. Take advantage of the abundant trails surrounding the museum, and lose yourself in a calming hike. Remember to focus on your breathing and take breaks every so often to rest your jaw and relax your muscles.


Regardless of the outdoor activity you choose, natural therapy is a great way to help alleviate the discomfort associated with TMJ. Bend, Oregon is one of the most beautiful regions in the country and a great destination for anyone looking to find relief for their TMJ. Take time to enjoy the great outdoors and you’re sure to find the natural therapy you’re looking for.