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Cluster headaches are an extremely rare type of primary headache that affects less than 1% of the population. Dubbed “suicide headaches” for their extreme severity, cluster headaches can be incredibly debilitating when untreated. If you struggle with cluster headaches, know that there is help available. In this article, we’ll go over some of the different treatment options available in Bend, Oregon.

Understanding Cluster Headaches

Cluster headaches are a rare headache disorder that occurs in clusters, or periods of several weeks to several months at a time. They can be sometimes mistaken for migraines, but they are much more severe than migraines. Cluster headaches are one of the most severe types of primary headaches, and the pain they cause is even more intense than migraines. In fact, they are often referred to as “suicide headaches” because the intensity of the pain is so severe. Many people report that cluster headaches feel as though their head is going to explode, and these powerful and painful attacks can sometimes last for days or even weeks at a time.

In addition to the extreme pain, cluster headaches also have a number of other debilitating symptoms. Some of the most common symptoms of cluster headaches are red or watering eyes, runny or stuffy nose, sweating or facial pallor, drooping eyelids, and agitation.

Types of Cluster Headache Treatments

Thankfully, there are a number of different treatments for cluster headaches that are available in Bend, Oregon. It’s important to remember that not everyone will respond to the same treatment in the same way, so it is important to work with a healthcare professional in order to find the treatment that works best for you.

Let’s go over some of the most common types of treatments for cluster headaches available in Bend. Most cluster headache treatments fall into one of three main categories: preventative treatments, abortive treatments and complementary therapies.

Preventative Treatments

The main goal of preventative treatments for cluster headaches is to stop attacks from occurring in the first place. The first line of defense is often medication, and there are a number of different kinds of medications available for treating cluster headaches. Some of the most commonly prescribed medications for preventative treatment of cluster headaches include verapamil, lithium, topiramate, and valproate. In addition to medications, some other preventative treatments that are used for cluster headaches are nerve blocks, transcranial magnetic stimulation, biofeedback, and deep brain stimulation.

Abortive Treatments

Abortive treatments are used to stop a cluster headache attack once it has started. They can be used on an as needed basis, and they are designed to provide quick and effective relief from the pain and other symptoms of a cluster headache. Some of the most commonly used abortive treatments for cluster headaches are triptans, oxygen therapy, and local anesthetics.

Complementary Therapies

Complementary therapies have become an increasingly popular way to treat cluster headaches in recent years as more and more people look for non-pharmaceutical treatment options. These treatments are often used in combination with other treatments, and they may include things like stress reduction techniques, holistic approaches to treatment, and diet and lifestyle changes.

Determining the Best Treatment for You

It’s important to remember that not everyone will respond to the same cluster headache treatment in the same way. That’s why it’s so important to work with a healthcare professional in order to find the treatment that works best for you. Your healthcare professional will be able to help you determine which type of treatment will be most effective for your particular case, and they can also help you manage any side effects of the treatment.

If you’re struggling to find relief from your cluster headaches, don’t give up. There are many different treatment options available, and a healthcare professional can help you find the one that works best for you. By working with a professional and considering all of your treatment options, you can find the relief you need to start living a more pain-free life.