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Having a migraine in less oxygen-saturated environments like Bend’s high altitudes can be challenging. However, Dr. Kelley Mingus of the Bend Clinic in Oregon can help you manage your migraines even in altitude. Mingus has approximately 30 years of experience as a registered nurse and nurse practitioner and provides these health management tips for migraines at high altitudes.

Taking Medication & Supplements

When experiencing a migraine in a high-altitude area like Bend, it is important to consider the impact of oxygen levels on the body. Dr. Mingus advises taking any necessary prescribed medication for migraines and any supplements, like magnesium or CoQ10. Migraine medications can often help manage pain and other symptoms. Supplements can help boost energy levels, prevent migraine attacks, and support cardiovascular health in a high-altitude environment.

Staying Hydrated and Nourished

One of the most important ways to manage migraines in high altitudes is by staying well-hydrated. Drinking plenty of water and avoiding substances like caffeine and alcohol can help prevent migraines from occurring in the first place. In addition, eating a healthy, well-balanced diet can help reduce the effects of dehydration at high altitudes and prevent migraines from developing.

Providing Proper Rest and Exercising Moderately

Dr. Mingus states that getting plenty of rest and avoiding strenuous activity are important for migraine management. In high-altitude areas where oxygen levels are lower, the body is more prone to getting fatigued and over-exerting itself. Both can induce migraines. It is important to take naps and make sure that the body is well-rested when spending time in an altitude. What Dr. Mingus recommends is keeping light exercise at a steady pace and doing stretches that can promote oxygen flow in the body without causing excessive fatigue.

Using Yoga and Deep Breathing Techniques

Mingus also encourages the use of practices like yoga and deep breathing exercises to manage high-altitude migraines. Yoga can help reduce headaches, limit muscle inflammation and tension, and lower heart rate. It also forces us to concentrate on breathing, which can help us regain control of our breathing pattern and reduce anxiety – which can contribute to migraines at high altitudes. In addition, deep breathing exercises can help promote blood circulation and improve oxygen levels in the blood, which can help prevent additional migraines from occurring.

Staying Informed & Avoiding High Altitude Sickness

Finally, Dr. Mingus advises staying informed and knowing the signs of high altitude sickness. Maintaining an awareness of how the body responds to high altitudes can help people avoid headaches and migraines. Mingus also recommends taking preventive measures for high altitude sickness. Drinking plenty of water and staying hydrated, limiting the consumption of caffeine, alcohol, and over-the-counter medication, and providing the body with regular light exercise can help promote oxygen flow in the body and prevent high altitude sickness and migraines.


Bend, Oregon may be a beautiful city with high altitudes, but it can also contribute to migraines for some people. Fortunately, Dr. Kelley Mingus has specific health management tips for managing migraines at high altitudes. Taking medication and supplements as necessary, staying hydrated and nourished, getting proper rest and exercising moderately, using yoga and deep breathing techniques, staying informed about high altitude effects, and avoiding high altitude sickness can all contribute to managing migraines and enjoying a healthy life in high altitudes.